This will also lead to increased investment in capital stock. Furthermore, Anoruo and Ahmad (2001) conducted a study which utilized co-integration and vector error correction model (VECM) to explore the causal relationship between economic growth and growth rate of domestic savings, and their results determined the existence of a long-run relationship between economic growth and growth rate of savings (Anoruo & Ahmad, 2001, p. 1). The equation is expressed in the form of: Yt = + p Yt1 + t. Economic growth on the other hand is the process by which there is a sustained rise in real per capita income or output of goods and services over a given period of time (Ewa and Agu 2005). One way for governments to achieve economic growth, reduce poverty, and increase national incomes is to apply policies such as increasing savings to encourage an increase in investment in the domestic financial capital. The authors read and approved the final article. Alguacil, Cuadros, and Orts(2004) sustain this conclusion in support of Solows model which deliberates that higher savings lead to higher economic growth. In the short term, there is a cause-and-effect relationship between Chinas household economy and Chinas growth, while in the long run, there is an unjustifiable shortage of economic growth that leads to increased savings from enterprises/businesses. We will answer this question using a very simple aggregate (or economywide) model of economic growth., DOI: It follows therefore that changes in either savings or investment will bring about changes in the national income. A small number of consumers and lenders were very. Therefore, many of technical terms in these tables are repetitive and will most likely appear exactly the same in similar studies. When savings rate is increased, economic growth certainly will increase because more capital is available to investors at reduced interest rates leading to increases investment in the capital stock. Another study has been done by Uddin (2007) allowing the impact of economic growth on saving. These includes: personal savings, corporate savings or business savings and Government savings. This means that deposits are an important factor in GDP growth, thus addressing the first objective of this study. For the past 17years, Kosovo has been experiencing major economic transformation, resulting in a significant economic growth. Easy to Understand Economics. To examine the impact of capital accumulation on economic growth of Nigeria 3. Int. The U.S. combined rate exceeds that of the global average of 22.6%, the OECD average of 23.5%, the EU average of 21.7% and even exceeds the Scandinavian average rate of 21.1%. Oft-ignored is that "investing" in things is really savings as well. Other studies express the opposite. Demonstrating the relationship in the case of Kosovo in Table 6. It plays a important role than the capital formation. A blogger, mentioned a minister, Liam Fox calling for more savings. Prices drop, creating deflation. Sajid,G. This also means that more savings, specifically in developing countries, leads to less consumption, which could also result in a larger amount of capital investment and finally a higher rate of economic growth (Rasmidatta, 2011). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! This indicates the financial state and growth of the country because households savings constitute the major source of government borrowing to finance public projects and also provides funds for private investments. ). The authors acknowledge Kosovos Central Bank and Commercial Banks for their support in providing data and information asked by them. That is, when savings rate increases, economic growth would certainly increase because more capital is available at reduced interest rate. What is noticeable is that R2 is still high at 98.5% even in this model, when all factors are considered together. no longer supports Internet Explorer. To analyze the extent of the relationship between savings, capital accumulation and Nigerian economic growth. Sometimes people save to become wealthy and raise their status in the society. For those whose savings were already depleted, a decrease in total economic output and increased rates of unemployment further impacted them. Issues related to financial education of youth in a developing country (the case of Albanian youth). EJON, 34(3). To make matters worse, the population is aging. Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania, Europian University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania, You can also search for this author in The study employs the, View 5 excerpts, references results and methods, The main problem for developing countries is the lack of investment, which consequently limits the country's economic growth. Thirlwall studied the role of financial liberalization in order to stimulate savings and investments, and as a result Egypts economic growth. Testing the endogenous growth model: public expenditure, taxation and growth over the long-run. Canadian Journal of Economics, 2001: 36-57. The methods used for the analysis were the Dickey-Fuller (DF), augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), and the Ganger causality tests. The higher the profit the greater the inclination to save. Romm, A. T. (2003). Note: The following tables have been developed with the aid of EViews software, which is an econometric, statistics, and forecasting package. The software is widely available online and uses standardized tables and charts. By using this website, you agree to our Keywords: Export Diversification; Tax incentive; Development; External Debt; Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. It is the technological change which can bring about continued increase in output per head of the population. A multivariate analysis of savings, investment and growth in Nepal. New System Economics for Alevel. Africana First Publishers Limited, 2005: 180-181. Business and Economic Research, 6(1), 352362 Macro Think Institute. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Fitim Mexhuani collected the data and carried out the data analyses. In order to understand the causal relationship between savings and economic growth in Nigeria as a developing country, Olapido used the Toda, Yamamoto, Dolado, and Lutkepohl (TYDL) methodologies (Olapido, 2010). From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. BWXf{ydunlww}V&k~F@yHhAa)oO*+5? y,w!<@]!FQ$,i7y{q*Of&r$Xi Bq0$aIU ;+&BAa2w :f$ze&c096PrT=PX)UDV_]kOMQ@*#xm'! H`t0iJT0b?7A[?A(bB3reSB{,|CPBoN`XtB@H #-8x~ ml@_,Q$**d9)n\30GA.4u)!bcF)}wX){-ys@K[BSpY p] -Lct-[}M@F 0q|V9@:Eyf3 Terms and Conditions, Botswana is one of the most successful resource-rich countries in the world. Lean, H., & Song, Y. We examine the aggregate private, This paper examines the causal relationship among savings, investment and economic growth in Ethiopia using annual time series data from 1969/70-2010/11 in a multivariate framework. The savings ratio a big determinant of economic activity. Shaw, E. S. (1973). AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF FOREIGN AID EFFECTIVENESS IN REDUCING POVERTY IN SOME SELECTED SADC COUNTRIES: 2005-2013, Linkages between financial development, financial instability, financial liberalisation and economic growth in Africa, Panel Analysis of Tourism -Economic Growth Nexus, Regional Integration and Economic Growth in Southeast Asia, The Saving-Inflation Puzzle: Explaining their Relationship in Ethiopia, Economic Growth and Democracy in Africa: Revisiting the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle, Long-Run Determinants of Economic Growth in South America, Savings, investment, foreign capital inflows and economic growth in India 1950-2005, Role of Inflow of Resources on Economic Growth of Nepal, A Re-Assessment of the Role of the Financial Sector in Driving Economic Growth: Recent Evidence from Cross Country Data, Does Chinese FDI, Climate Change, and CO2 Emissions Stimulate Agricultural Productivity? In reality the study establishes that export diversification had positively and significantly affected economic growth in Cameroon within the period of study. Ribaj, A., Mexhuani, F. The impact of savings on economic growth in a developing country (the case of Kosovo). The impact of savings on economic growth in a developing country (the case of Kosovo) Artur Ribaj, Fitim Mexhuani Published 8 January 2021 Economics Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship The correlation between savings and economic growth has been the subject of research for some well-known economists. 1 that refers to the GDP values for the period of 20102017. However, energy consumption has positive impact on economic growth. Foreign aid can have either a positive or a negative impact on economic growth. GDP 20102017. These averages explain how much a consumer consumes and saves at a particular level of income. The Impact of Savings on Economic Growth in an Open Economy Godwin Olasehinde-Williams 2015 x For example, in 2012, Qatar with a saving rate of 62% had a GDP per capita of $92,633 , Nigeria despite its relatively large saving rate of 31% had a GDP per capita of just $2,742 and Montenegro with just 1% saving rate had a GDP per capita of $6,517. (F-statistic) = 0.0000 and the value of F-statistic = 158.2999. The extra income would be channeled to savings and investments, as well as increased spending via the value-added tax. Economic growth is influenced by different factors which include; the skills and efforts of the labor force, the rate of investment, and the type of investment which is induced by appropriate level of savings, technological progress, availability and extent of the exploitation of natural resources, the persisting climate in the trade relationship with other countries, the extent of specialization, social and religious organization as in the qualities of the peoples character, government policy etc. The same methodology will be applied to discover this relationship in the case of Kosovo as well. The data used was from 2010 to 2017 and has been analyzed using the augmented Dickey-Fuller tests, Johansen cointegration tests, and Ganger causality test. There is stability, that is, balance or equilibrium in the level of national income only when saving is equal to investment. The co-integration and the vector, This paper uses the Johansen VECM estimation technique to examine the directions of association between savings and growth in South Africa over the period 19461992. The correlation between savings and economic growth has been the subject of research for some well-known economists. statement and Undoubtedly, investment contributes to aggregate growth; however, investment cannot be raised without increasing the amount of savings. The extra income would be channeled to savings and investments, as well as increased spending via the value-added tax. This study provides further insight on such correlation by examining the case of Kosovo from both a qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Adding the remittances factor to this model will produce the following results: GDP = 1.806295 + 0.001426 (deposits) + 0.000143 (remittances). It is established from the above analysis the equality of aggregate savings to aggregate investment, and can be deduced that when savings rate is high in the economy, banks have more capital to lend for capital investment, which in turn promotes the volume of goods and services produced in the economy. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship As can be seen on the graph, output per worker correspondingly moves from y0 to y1. An injection is an addition to the income of a domestic firm that does not arise from the spending of households or an addition to the income of domestic households that does not arise from the spending of the firms (Ewa and Agu 2005). Upon successfully passing this test, we can continue conducting the following tests. M., & Sarfraz, M. (2008). If the economy is close to full capacity, then higher government spending may cause inflationary pressures and little increase in real GDP. In addition, interviews with bank executives point out to two reasons for the slowdown in deposits growth and the discrepancy between the short-term nature of deposits in Kosovo and the medium- and long-term necessity of funds by industries (as mentioned in the reports of the Central Bank of Kosovo in 2016 and 2017). It is an obvious fact that income is received as wages or salaries, rents, interests or profits by owners of factors of production. At the end of the study, empirical results showed the existence of co-integration between domestic savings, investment, and gross domestic product. Financial deepening in economic development. The test of the unit root confirms stationarity, and the regression results showed that deposits have a significant positive impact on Kosovos economic growth, because savings stimulate investment, production, and employment and consequently generate greater sustainable economic growth. Lending is the main mechanism through which savings are transformed into investment in Kosovo. Referring to EViews data regarding the first difference we observe that: t-statistics = 3.09 > 5.11 (1% level), > 3.51 (5% level), and < 2.89 (10% level). The 90% threshold is obtained by simply dividing their cross-country, historical data into four categories: debt that is between 0% and 30% of a country's GDP, between 30% and 60%, between 60% and 90%, and finally debt that exceeds 90% of GDP. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! The rate of interest actually determines investment in a country. It then implies that savings is a veritable tool that promotes investment in any given country. This is the reason why first remittances, in interaction with other factors such as deposits or loans, have a significant impact on GDP. Each industry will be uniquely transformed. *You can also browse our support articles here >, Size of income: as income increases all things being equal, savings also increase, Rate of interest: a higher rate of interest may attract more people to save and vice versa. If the series is non-stationary, then they are included in the model in their stationary form and then analyzed through the linear regression model. Equation 4 states that Y C = I. similarly Y = Income, C = consumption and I = Investment equations 2 and 4 gives the equality of saving and investment. and fiscal policies like tax rebate, tax concessions and tax holidays are favorable at all times for the firms and household who are the major agent of production process in the economy to continue to accumulate loanable funds by banks to accelerate investments. 8) is to achieve higher economic growth (United Nations, 2018 United Nations. Fixed Effects estimator is used to capture unobserved country specific effects. The impact of government spending also depends on the state of the economy. According to Ribaj, Ilollari, and Scalera (2019) even after 10years from the last financial crisis, people are still afraid to deposit all of their savings in banks and deposit withdrawals are considered to be the most commonplace activity. The rest of the study is organized as follows: section 2 probes the existing literature while section 3 presents the empirical method; section 4 presents empirical findings . endobj Accumulation of financial capital has been highlighted as the main factor regulating development to some degreeand since savings have increased in Kosovo, the situation begs the question of how an increase in savings contributes to the overall economic growth of a developing country like Kosovo. Even a small change in external capital flows can cause internal economic downturn. If larger pension savings lead to deeper capital markets, this can be expected to have a positive effect on economic growth in particular for firms that rely on external finance. The same result was achieved for investments and GDP. Economic growth implies more output per head as a result of more input and more efficiency. Political situation: a country with a stable political climate encourages citizens as well as foreign investors to save and invest which results into economic growth. When talking about the relationship between savings and economic growth, it cannot be denied that an increase in aggregate savings would boost investment and promote economic growth. The cointegration will inform us about the relationship in the short and long terms among the two variables, while on the other hand, causality indicates that (1) either X is causing Y, (2) either Y is causing X, or (3) both variables have a causal relationship with each other. Springer Nature. One way for governments to achieve economic growth, reduce poverty, and increase national incomes is to apply policies such as increasing savings to encourage an increase in investment in the domestic financial capital. Ten of them are doing banking in the all cities of Kosovo. A rise in aggregate savings would give rise to a. Despite enormous growth potentials and resources, the overall investment rates of most of the Muslim developing countries are relatively lower than those of non-Muslim developing countries.Therefore, this paper attempts to investigate the gross investment behavior in a panel of 21 Muslim developing countries over the period of 1970 to 2002. 4 0 obj In order to achieve the above objectives, the following research questions were asked 1 . According to the World Health Organization, a successful health policy defines a vision for the future, it outlines national priorities regarding health, and it builds a consensus and informs the public. The saving rate is now determined by optimizing households and firms that interact on competitive markets. Savings and investment are examples of two other general categories of expenditure called withdrawals and injections respectively. Saving and growth with habit formation. growth by about 76 percent ceteris paribus and it stand inelastic in explain growth variation in. View PROJECT_FINAL_JULY.docx from MGMT 1B at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mirroring global trends, growth across the region is expected to slow from 4.7% in 2021 to 3.6% in 2022, according to the IMF's regional economic . Thirlwall, A. 2-Step 1st Difference Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) dynamic panel estimator is employed to offset endogeneity of the regressors. This would help ease the adverse impact LinkedIn Michael Ricafort : Tax cuts may impact revenue, growth Although the saving rate still is an important factor within this economic growth model, the main driver was technological According to its data, the value of t-statistics in the ADF test is: As the results indicate, we are dealing with a non-stationary series where the probability value is 0.9947. Fiscal Deficit, National Saving and Sustainability of Economic Growth in Emerging Economies: A Dynamic GMM Panel Data Approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2012: 126-140. 5G will impact industries creating new products and revenue streams. As a result, the high rates of savings increase the amount of capital and lead to higher economic growth in the country. Capital accumulation creates greater opportunities for production and the productivity of a country by providing an additional income stream for countries like Kosovo. The correlation between savings and economic growth has been the subject of research for some well-known economists. The Accenture analysis takes an immediate perspective as 5G connectivity accelerates in the United States and Europe between 2021 and 2025. This would help ease the adverse impact Michael Ricafort LinkedIn: Tax cuts may impact revenue, growth To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Even remittances have a high coefficient, and this makes sense because a growth in deposits as a consequence of the large amounts of liquidity in the hands of citizens (due to remittances) brings positive effects to the economy. Results suggest that the lagged investment, growth rate of per capita real GDP, domestic savings, trade openness and institutional development have positive significant effect on investment. TIPS/DPRU Forum. Growth, investment, and saving in the Arab economies. When savings rate is increased, economic growth certainly will increase because more capital is available to investors at reduced interest rates leading to increases investment in the capital stock. Nigeria within the study period. A withdrawal on the other hand is any income that is not passed on in the circular flow of income and expenditure. What is Savings? Insights from an Improved IP Dataset" Regulation & Governance, 13(1): 107-124. Those in the treatment group had over two transactions with formal banks per month compared to an average of 0.5 transactions per month in the comparison group. Idodo Umeh Publishers Ltd., 2006. Buscemi, Antonino, and Alem Hagos Yallwe. Proponents of economic growth had underscored the role of savings as a veritable means for surplus accumulation and growth, and the Keynesian's aggregate demand-based theory of economy also hinged on aggregate expenditure, which has a direct bearing to savings for economic growth [25]. Bisat, A., El-Erian, M. A., & Helbling, T. (1997). Gold, R., J-F Morin and E. Shadeed, 2019, "Does Intellectual Property Lead to Economic Growth? ISU H"gsy The extra income would be channeled to savings and investments, as well as increased spending via the value-added tax. Meanwhile, Standard Chartered in its Economic Outlook 2023 report forecast global growth this year to come in at 2.5 per cent, also lower than the 3.4 per cent it expected in 2022. Kosovo has licensed 11 banks. Carroll, C. D., Overland, J., & Weil, D. N. (2000). Similarly, there is marginal propensity to consume (MPC) and marginal propensity to save (MPS). Albeit their economic and social significance, the growth determinants, In Nigeria, five banks have been designated as too-big-to-fail given their critical importance to the wellbeing of the Nigerian economy. J Innov Entrep 10, 1 (2021). Statistically, this conclusion is valid as the value of Prob. From the above linear function, saving means income less consumption, that is, S = Y C. Savings therefore is affected by active spending decisions. Study for free with our range of university lectures! This steady flow of income leads to steady demand in the economy. In order for a country to achieve sustainable economic development, it needs to increase its aggregate savings, which will in turn contribute to greater investments and higher GDP growth. In fact, remittances play a crucial role in raising the standard of living and monetary policy development, especially for developing nations like Bangladesh. Contrary to the reverse. Health policies can have positive long-run effects on not only human capital, but also economic growth as a whole. (2014). Also, based on the theory of marginal inclination to save, revenue growth leads to the expansion of the savings rate. % Domestic saving and economic growth in China. A positive relationship exists between savings rate and economic growth because when savings rate is high banks have more capital to lend for capital investments to both private investors and the government (Tawiah 2006). 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Similarly, many developing countries have a large deficit in current and commercial accounts, funded by foreign grants and loans. The Bureau of Economic Research has declared that the savings rate in America has fallen to a meager 3.8% in 2017! No plagiarism, guaranteed! This positively impacts aggregate demand and many other macro-economic factors leading to overall growth for the economy. e0ntNOJ3(l~R.y EjT>!C~){gg1 Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 46(1), 1736. The correlation between savings and economic growth has been the subject of research for some well-known economists. [4] In the key findings, both gross savings and population growth negatively affect economic growth. Savings at the NSB increased by 425 LKR (US$4.26 in 2010) per month. Alguacil, M., Cuadros, A., & Orts, V. (2004). Savings, investment and economic growth in Ethiopia: evidence from ARDL approach to co-integration and TYDL Granger-causality tests. Furthermore, loans and remittances also help boost the economy of Kosovo through their direct impact on investment. explaining economic growth in Nigeria. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), 6494. Savings is simply spending less than the amount you have coming in via cash-flow. New research from the McKinsey Global Institute shows that the economic impact of further US consumer deleveraging will depend on income growth. Technological change or progress refers to [] Statistical data shows that GDP (nominal rate) has an upward trend from 2010 to 2017. Remittances have proven to be one of the key statistically significant factors that influence a nation's growth through domestic spending, savings, and investments. Oxford: Blackwell Publisher. Interestingly, Lean and Song (2008) conducted a study analyzing the relationship between Chinas domestic savings and economic growth, noting that economic growth in China was co-integrated with two other variables: saving households and increased savings by enterprises/businesses. In this work we used the, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. The rate of savings in an economy is a determinant of economic growth. 3 0 obj Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Developing countries, differently from developed countries have a much more important relationship between increasing domestic savings and economic growth of the country. When government policies favor both households and firms who are the major agent of production, it leads to higher rate of savings and higher rate of savings provides funds available to prospective investors who borrow from either the financial institutions or from the money market on short term basis and from the capital market on long term basis. Government should always ensure that monetary policies like attractive rate of interest on savings, bank rate, liquidity ratio etc. This figures when measured leads to higher income per head and increased real income of the citizens. This is more evident in developing countries where the largest source of financial capital stems from savings deposited in commercial banks. Olapido, O. S. (2010). In this study, the variables of savings and economic growth were integrated into a long-term equilibrium relationship. When savings rate is increased, economic growth certainly will increase because more capital is available to investors at reduced interest rates leading to increases investment in the capital stock. The Ganger causality test denotes that any change of factor X to an earlier time period (t-k) affects the Y variable at time t. Therefore, the hypothesis is H0: X does not cause (Granger cause) with Y in the first regression; the growth of savings in the commercial banks of Kosovo positively affects sustainable growth in Kosovo. Been the subject of research for some well-known economists similarly, many of terms... Of this study provides further insight on such correlation by examining the case of Kosovo ) the circular flow income. Implies more output per head of the relationship in the United States and Europe between 2021 and 2025 personal,. Can bring about changes in the key findings, both gross savings and economic growth same in studies! 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