The react preset is very convenient when writing React apps: adding preset-flow, syntax-jsx, transform-react-jsx, transform-react-display-name. Ross But this is not true, because what you are really doing when using JSX syntax is writing a declarative syntax of what a component UI should be. Link components are - as you can imagine - used to generate links to your routes. I would either be getting my initial language from a URL param, or detecting it from the users browser settings. The example uses, in addition to React, the Axios library. Just make sure you call it in the top level of a component (not in an if or in any other block). You are already using immutable variables without knowing it when you manipulate a string. This is discussed in a CSSWG GitHub issue, where it was originally proposed. However that triggers a syntax error on JSX compilation. When forms don't support Enter to submit, they can feel broken. This is great, but doesnt carry over when the user either visits another page on the site or reloads the current page. Though all of them look the same, each of them differs in functionality. But a server-side solution like this is useful in persisting the users theme choice across page reloads, as we will see later. Mapping Data to Now that weve identified the components in our mock, lets arrange them into a hierarchy. Async functions are a combination of promises and generators, and basically, they are a higher level abstraction over promises. A Next.js project is started easily with npm: Create a package.json file with this content: the script will raise an error complaining about not finding the pages folder. WebA
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