There are 8.3 billion plastic straws littering beaches across the world currently. Share these shocking facts with your friends and family to create a rippling effect, reducing plastic consumption in your community. I believe this whole situation is a basic social problem. In the US, we use 50 million straws daily. Currently, plastic straws make up about 99% of the $3 billion global As the plastic is tossed around, much of it breaks into tiny pieces, called microplastics. Click here to sign in with The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by in any form. What makes up the most plastic in the ocean? Hope is not lost here are some uplifting facts to finish off with. "Together with our customers we can do our bit for the environment and use fewer straws," says Paul Pomroy, who runs the fast-food company's U.K. business. Once this happens, there is much higher chance that the straws will end up in the ocean. What color are reindeer eyes? Plastic is an exceptionally robust material thats why corporations are addicted to plastic packaging our food and water in its shiny confines. What You Need To Know! Approximately 500 billion single-use plastic bottles are used globally every year. Plastic Fanatics: Key Questions About Our Plastic Water Bottle Consumption. Specific statistics about how many plastic straws Americans use are hard to come by, but the number likely falls somewhere between 170 million to 390 million per day, For A Strawless Ocean reports. But you might be shocked by how much of it goes to waste. The US passed legislation in 2020 that requires manufacturers to take more responsibility for their plastic manufacturing processes and the usage of their products. But Americans produce more waste per person: the average American produces 340g of plastic waste every day that adds up to 63kg of plastic, for every American, every year. Commonly found Plastics include cigarette butts, food wrappers, beverage bottles, straws, cups and plates, bottle caps, and single-use bags. One of the biggest ways to make an impact is by telling your friends and family about these shocking statistics. Microplastics are small plastics less that 5mm. These plastics come in many different forms. Its everywhere. Yet this small, slender tube, utterly unnecessary for most beverage consumption, is at the center of a growing environmental campaign aimed at convincing people to stop using straws to help save the oceans. In 2015, the Ocean Conservancys 2015 Coastal Cleanup resulted in 18 million pounds of trash being removed from beaches. Now, multiply that across the globe and you have some idea of the vast amount of single-use plastic straws that are being used every single day, on what is, essentially, a convenience product. Plastic waste in the UK Statistics & Facts. One of Earths rarest crocodiles is bouncing back, To save Yosemites bats, scientists need help finding them, With Southeast Asia under threat against climate change, everyone can pitch in to help, This photographer wants you to be passionate about peatlands, Building back better for southern Africas working women, A rogue barrier threatens wildlife on Arizona border, 2-million-year-old DNA reveals a lost Arctic world, Why some people celebrate Christmas in January. The Worlds First Plastic Free Flight + DIY Tips For Your Next Trip. Ocean plastic is a major issue that requires immediate solutions. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is so dense that it blocks out sunlight, leading to the death of micro and macro ocean life. Thats billions of plastic bottles, destined for the landfill. Straws make up about 4 percent of the plastic trash by piece, but far less by weight. Once found mostly in soda fountains of the 1930s, straws have become one of the most ubiquitous unnecessary products on the planet. She interviewed the scientists and included them in her film. Starbucks more than 25,000 company-owned and licensed stores use some 2 billion plastic straws each year by its calculations, according to Ives, who has been in discussions with the coffee giant since January. Only around 1% of all plastic pollution in the oceans is on the surface. This has led to lifestyle changes that result in reducing the use of plastics, especially single-use plastics, and an increase in the use of reusable and eco-friendly products. How Can We Reduce Our Plastic Consumption? What makes up the most plastic in the ocean? When it comes to plastic water bottles, its a case of a moment on the lips, forever in the landfill! Of the trash removed, seven out of the 10 most frequently collected items were plastic. After Chinas recentrecycling ban, many counties are struggling to keep up with the new increase in demand. We know this has been a downer but knowledge allows you to pursue change. Thats the weight of nearly 90 How Many Marine Animals Are Killed By Plastic Every Year? There are 66 times more plastic bottles on the planet than people. In the U.K., at least 4.4 billion straws are estimated to be thrown away annually. In studies performed on mussels, 100% of them were found to have microplastics inside of them. talk to a vet online for advice >. The Ultimate Guide To A Plastic Free Christmas! Every year, 1 million seabirds die from plastic pollution. Straws on average weigh so littleabout one sixty-seventh of an ounce or .42 gramsthat all those billions of straws add up to only about 2,000 tons of the nearly 9 million tons of plastic waste that yearly hits the waters. What does that mean for the thousands of captive cats? (2). In 2019, Oregon followed suit by passing legislation that is still the most comprehensive plastic bag ban in the nation. Fortunately, as individuals, we can make a difference. What can we do? Most of the plastic in our oceans comes from land-based sources: by weight, 70% to 80% is plastic that is transported from land to the sea via rivers or coastlines. How can you help? Globally, there are approximately 8 million pieces of plastic that enter the ocean every single day. How did he find his calling? No global usage figures exist, but Americans alone use 500 million straws daily, according to the National Park Service. There is currently a large floating island of trash in the Pacific Ocean called The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Get weekly and/or daily updates delivered to your inbox. 7 Causes of Aggressive Goldfish Behavior & How to Stop It, Goldfish Growth: Everything You Want to Know, Fish Tuberculosis (TB): The Secret Danger Lurking in Every Tank. Taiwan to ban disposable plastic items by 2030, Imaging the magnetic field in the acceleration zone of the Vela pulsar, HD 213258 is a rapidly oscillating, strongly magnetic Ap star, study finds, Study explores topological beaming of light, Researchers discover that soap film on bubbles is cooler than the air around it, Quasicrystal formed during accidental electrical discharge, Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech news updates in your email inbox. Our global obsession with plastic is unsustainable. WebDo straws kill animals? ", "Our cities are horizontal smokestacks pumping out this smog into the seas," Eriksen says. However, we can make changes moving forward. 4) 90% of seabirds have ingested some kind of plastic. 4) 90% of seabirds have ingested some kind of plastic. Animals in the marine environment are the biggest victims of our plastic addiction. Globally, we only recycle around 14% of the plastic we produce, around 12% is incinerated and the rest ends up in landfills or in the ocean. They can come from a variety of land and ocean-based sources; enter the water in many ways; and impact the ocean and Great Lakes. How to Set Up a Saltwater Aquarium: Complete Guide. This article was first published on April 12, 2017, and updated on February 23, 2018, with information about National Skip the Straw Day. Plastic bottles are a ubiquitous feature of modern life, from our backpacks to our refrigerators. Buying bottled water isnt the only way to get pure water you can install a, A water filter on your kitchen sink could save, If youre craving a Coke, opt for a can or glass bottle. In fact, the EPA has announced that all the plastic ever created is still in existence. Plastics end up in the oceans in unbelievably large numbers every single year, which is rapidly leading to the death of many animals and plants. And in 2020 we produced 9 times as much plastic as we produced in 1950. Hundreds of billions of plastic drinking straws are used globally. He noticed the uptick in straw use after the 2003 outbreak of the SARS respiratory illness that began in China and spread to more than two dozen countries in the Americas and Europe and infected 8,098 people, killing 774 of them. However, we do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume of messages. How Many Plastic Bottles Are In Landfills? Not all plastic ends up in the oceans because of people littering or missing the trashcan. Plastic straws are also in theTop 10list for items collected on beaches and waterways. A large portion of that number is made up of straws that were, more than likely, used for less that 5 minutes before being disregarded. But per capita, Americans produce more plastic waste than anywhere else , Bottled water consumption should be going down. With around 165 million tons of plastic estimated to be in our ocean, each year, each year we add another 5% of plastic water bottle pollution to our ocean. Scientists say that unless you are disabled or a small child, plastic straws are generally unnecessary and a ban is start and good symbol. WebNearly 7.5 million plastic straws were found on U.S. shorelines during a five-year cleanup research project. Bans of individual products often come with unintended consequences, Christman argues. Just under 20% of the plastic pollution in the worlds oceans is believed to come from the US, Canada, and Mexico. Retrieved from. There is a dangerous amount of plastic littering the ocean and about 1% of it comes from the U.S., of which very little is actually plastic straws. Still, I put a lot of thought into making the part may be reproduced without the written permission. The largest animal to have ever lived on the planet, the Blue Whale, is also susceptible to being killed from accidental ingestion of plastic pollution. [12] While many disabled populations rely upon straws to consume food and beverages, plastic straws are not the only solution; paper, metal, and glass straws are widely available today. Its the league table that no country wants to be on top of. According to the Ocean Conservancy, straws are among the top 10 items found during beach clean-ups. All rights reserved. When coral reefs encounter marine plastic, they die. Each year more than 35 million tons (31.9 million metric tons) of plastic pollution are produced around Earth and about a quarter of that ends up around the water. From our perspective, the relationship between water and plastic is problematic. Americans use 500 million straws daily. Its causing catastrophic damage to our oceans, beaches and marine life. [1] 8.3 BILLION Metric Tons (9.1 BILLION US Tons) of plastic has been produced since plastic How Many Plastic Straws End Up in the Ocean? Editorial Board, 20 July 2018, Protecting the Oceans, One Straw at a Time., Seattle has already banned single use plastic straws, and many other cities and states are considering legislation against plastic straws. A small lock or https:// means youve safely connected to a .gov website. Prior to becoming Editor-in-Chief of It's a Fish Thing, Lindsey studied marine biology at the University of California-Santa Cruz. Its estimated that in the North Pacific Ocean, fish consume between 24-48 million pounds of plastic every year. At this point, a significant amount of irreversible damage has been done because of how much plastic is in the ocean. Hi, Im Eric, a Plumber, Home Repair Expert and Chief Editor behind Dripfina. Scientists are giving it a try, A detailed look at how we ageat the cellular level, Scientists have new insights into Hawaiis fiery underworld, 5 ways to make travel more meaningful in 2023. What makes glass frogs transparent? How many plastic things can you see? Like rats, its likely that youre never more than two meters from a plastic bottle in todays world! Reports suggest that over 500 million straws are used in the US, every day!!! Coca-Cola alone produces around 1 in 5 of these bottles 100 billion every year. In just over 10 years, its believed that this number will have doubled. As of 2021, over half of the states in the US have passed some form of legislation limiting or banning the use or manufacturing of single-use plastics or Styrofoam. All rights reserved. For every plastic bottle of water produced, six times the amount of water in the bottle is used to manufacture the bottle itself. Plastic straws in the ocean are becoming a huge problem, and we as a society, are finally having to face this problem. Some groups have attention-getting names like Straw Wars, in Londons Soho neighborhood, or Straws Suck, used by the worldwide Surfrider Foundation. Some plastics float once they enter the ocean, though not all do. WebIt is thought that there are 100 million tons of plastic in the oceans around the world right now. ", Steve Russell, vice president of plastics for the American Chemistry Council, said people can reduce waste by not taking straws, but "in many cases these plastics provide sanitary conditions for food, beverages and personal care. Plastic straws poke through piles of trash littering the streets at this weekly market event. Here's how you know we're official. Consumer pressure is the #1 way to make governments and corporations change their behavior. Half of all produced plastic is designed to be single-use. Most of the clothing we manufacture and own contains plastic in some form. They can come from large plastics breaking down, or can be produced as small plastics such as microbeads, which can be found in products such as toothpaste and face wash. View an expanded version of the infographic that appears above from NOAA's Marine Debris program website. From microfibres in the clothes we wear to the containers our food comes in, theres no escaping plastic in the modern world. Welcome to the polar bear capital of the world, How Tiger King helped kill the industry it made famous. And when it comes to the environment, we need authentic action to change the flow of plastic consumption and waste. Asian countries account for around 50% of the plastic pollution in the worlds oceans. Annually, there are approximately 100-300 billion plastic bags that wind up in the oceans just because of the United States. Here are a few important numbers about straws from the Surfrider Foundation: Amount of plastic dumpedinto oceans every year. Read more about me why do people do this, thank u so much this is all for a school report u helped me so much. Around 100,000 marine creatures die each year just from plastic entanglement, infants are killed by drinking their mothers milk and many animals starve after they have ingested so many plastic bags they can no longer eat a sufficient amount of food. Plastic is so normalized in our lives that its hard to imagine a world without it. Plastic waste, mostly in the form of tiny particles, floats in huge blobs that together cover as much as 40 percent of the Earths ocean surface. Here are some frightening facts about the harm plastic is causing in our natural world. Tragic. Eliminating single-use plastic from our lives is essential to reducing our plastic consumption. It used to be at a bar, youd get a straw. Straws are the latest on an expanding list of individual plastic products being banned, taxed, or boycotted in an effort to curb seaborn plastic trash before it outweighs fish, a calculation projected to come true by 2050, according to one study. Copyright 2020-2023 - All rights reserved - Dripfina, The Yangtze River in China carries almost, Every square mile of the ocean contains over, At the current rate, well be pouring the equivalent of two garbage trucks of plastic into the ocean every minute by. These fibers, beads, and microplastic fragments can all absorb harmful pollutants like pesticides, dyes, and flame retardants, only to later release them in the ocean. In California, a bill to As of 2020, 127 countries had passed legislation regulating the use and manufacturing of single-use plastics, including plastic bags and cutlery. The plastic breaks down and enters the food chain, where fish and other ocean animals consume it and eventually excrete it. Rapidly developing countries in Asia dont have that structure.. After all, it can take thousands of years for plastic to degrade, and now were learning that its likely that plastic doesnt fully degrade at all. Of the disposable plastic bottles that were recycled, less than 10% of them were used to create new plastic bottles. Much of the plastic in the ocean is in the form of abandoned fishing nets. Coral that comes into contact with plastic has an increased risk from 4% to 89% that the coral will develop infections or diseases. Complete index of all the wonderful cat breeds and mixes, Deciding what you can and cannot feed your furry friend is a crucial decision, We love our cats, and therefore we want to get them the best gear, Understanding cat behavior can set you both up for a happy, productive relationship, Complete index of all the wonderful dog breeds and mixes, Deciding what you can and cannot feed your four legged friend is a crucial decision, We love our dogs, and therefore we want to get them the best gear, Training your dog can set you both up for a happy, productive relationship, The most complete list of dog food recalls, The most complete list of cat food recalls. The short answer: not enough. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy These items were plastic lids, single-use plastic bags, other plastic bags, food wrappers, lids, plastic bottles, and straws. The plastic breaks down and enters the food chain, where fish and other ocean animals consume it and eventually excrete it. In some cases, products advertised as biodegradable sometimes turn out not to be. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do you? In Scotland, everything from straws to plastic cutlery is prohibited in production and sales. | Infographic Text. Most of the An astonishing 500 billion disposable plastic bottles are used every year. Also. Currently, it is estimated that there are 100 million tons of plastic in oceans around the world. Find a cleanup near you! Thats a lot of straws and lids, she says. WebOnce in landfills, plastic straws can take up to 200 years to break down and decompose 3. The plastics industry opposes bans at every turn. Even though Jambeck spends her life measuring and working on the growing problem of waste pollution, she's optimistic. Its estimated that humans consume around 40 pounds of plastic in our lifetime. How Singapore is making big space for art, See the pyramids built by one of Africas earliest civilizations, Puerto Rico: Following the Guiding Hand of Local Guest, Uncover magnificent frescoes in the Paris of the Balkans, Photograph by In Pictures Ltd., Corbis/Getty. This is another reason why we need to concentrate on eradicating any non-essential plastic use and why plastic straws are now being targeted in the fight against plastic waste. But thanks to the efforts of organizations like the Surfrider Foundationin California and Chicagos Shedd Aquarium, a wave of change is sweeping the nation, encouraging more and more people to swap their plastic straws for paper. The 7 most exciting cancer stories of 2022, Can aging be cured? With so many brands and lengths to choose from and a variety of materials to consider glass, silicone, metal, and even plastic the sea of options was overwhelming for such a simple purchase. A single plastic bottle can take over 400 years to degrade in the ocean. Microfibers, shed from synthetic clothing or fishing nets, are another problematic form of microplastic. Although it may sound like a Web2) Plastic straws are one of the top 10 beach litter items found during coastal cleanups. Live, love, work and play with greater purpose. Scientists predict that plastic could exceed fish in the ocean in as little as three decades. Amount of floating ocean trash that is plastic. Plastic a ubiquitous material in our lives. Use this form if you have come across a typo, inaccuracy or would like to send an edit request for the content on this page. Please be respectful of copyright. Of the plastic waste produced annually, approximately 50%, or 419,980,609,462 pounds, is some form of single-use plastic. But when you visualize garbage trucks full of plastic dumping loads into our ocean, its immediately obvious it has to stop. Globally, 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used annually, or between 150-300 plastic bags for every single person. Every bottle that goes to a landfill leaks chemicals into the environment. WebThe Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest offshore accumulation site for waste and debris, most of which is comprised of discarded plastics like single-use straws. Once I learned about single-use plastic pollution, I bought my first set of reusable straws. Look around you. Every person you tell translates to hundreds of fewer plastic bottles! And recycled plastic makes up just 6% of the packaging used by the largest six drinks company in the world. Help NOAA understand and prevent marine debris by recording what you pick up with the Marine Debris Tracker. But theres a downside to plastics exceptional longevity its incredibly slow to decompose, causing it to pile up in our landfills and swamp our oceans. 2018 The Associated Press. It is predicted that each year 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean, with 1.152.41 tons of that plastic being carried there by major rivers all over the world. The Yangtze River in China carries almost 1.5 million tons of plastic to the ocean each year! I believe a lot of the catalyst for these straw campaigns was the video of the straw in the turtles nose, she says. 3) Turtles often mistake straws for food. One of the main causes of death for sea life is the consumption of plastic. While photodegradable plastics (plastics capable of being broken down by light) may break down from its first state (or created state), these plastics never completely degrade, but actually divide into tiny pieces called microplastics. Studies of baby sea turtles have indicated that almost 100% of all baby sea turtles have ingested plastic at some point in their life. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. If fear of germs drove the straw use globally into the billions, the eight-minute video of a four-inch section of straw being removed from a Costa Rican sea turtles nostril may have turned the tide. Governments are taking action to reduce plastic waste. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. WebMetal straws take the place of plastic straws, which are made with the worst form of plastic: single-use plastic. Every year we add 25 million tons of plastic to the ocean, and as of 2022, every square mile of our ocean contains over 45,000 individual pieces of plastic. All of a sudden, straws propagated, he says. Whos the biggest culprit for bottled water consumption in the world? An official website of the United States government. The EPA has announced that almost 100% of all plastics humankind has ever created are still in existence. We want the world to experience clean water, but without damaging our planet in the process. - Stanford Earth Volunteer to pick up marine litter in your local community. Which Country Produces The Most Plastic Waste? Of the baby sea turtles found deceased in the last few decades, 100% of them have had plastic of some form in their stomachs. Around 12% of plastic is incinerated leaving 80% to end up in landfills. A lot of times people are overwhelmed by the bigness of the problem and often give up. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2050 the ocean will contain more plastic than fish pound for pound. Until we change our mindset on what is acceptable and what is not, we will continue to be a throw away society and for me, straws epitomize the problem. These 6 Viking myths are compelling, but are they true? Web When he was nine years old an American boy called Milo Cress had a question How many plastic straws do Americans use every day . 50 percent A bacterial enzyme mutation was accidentally created by scientists and is capable of breaking down some types of plastics within hours. The swirling mass of cold air that hovers above the North Pole is sometimes responsible for episodes of extreme cold weather in North America. A simple trick is to ensure they are not left loose in the bin and wrapped in your burgers' bags. How Many Plastic Bottles Are in the Ocean? Plastic straws only account for 1% of the plastic pollution in the oceans. Its simply not worth it! Plastic straws are really bad for the ocean. Its estimated that we use over 500 million every day in America, and most of those end up in our oceans, polluting the water and killing marine life. We want to encourage people to stop using plastic straws for good. According to Strawless Ocean, a movement against plastic pollution, Straws are among the top 10 items found during beach clean ups and can do so much harm to seabirds, turtles and other marine creatures.. The accumulated plastic finds its way into our lakes, rivers, and oceans, where aquatic life is in danger of ingesting plastic or being exposed to the toxins that leach from it. In the US, we discard 138 billion plastic stirrer straws annually. Ten years ago, straws werent everywhere. The challenge is if we can get rid of plastic straws, lets start there. Whichever way you look at it, marine life is having a pretty tough time dealing with our plastic waste and it will get worse before it gets better. Weve become addicted to buying plastic water bottles and whether its sparkling, flavored or still its always plastic. Every person on the planet is capable of helping to reduce the amount of plastic entering the oceans and landfills. Plastic straws are one of the main plastic waste products and they come with their own problems for marine life to deal with. Also, passionate students involved in the Straws Upon Request campaign are trying to convince management at restaurants to only offer straws on request. When it comes to all litter pollution, plastic bottles account for 14%. The same team extrapolated that figure globally. Part of it, I suspect, came from peoples fear of germs.. Consumption of plastic has become one of the main causes of death in our ocean: 9 out of 10 seabirds and 6 out of 10 whales have plastic in their stomachs. And following in the footsteps of several U.S. cities such as Seattle and Miami Beach, British Prime Minister Theresa May in April called on the nations of the British commonwealth to consider banning plastic straws, coffee stirrers and plastic swabs with cotton on the end. Being more aware of how and why you use the plastics that you do is the first step to reducing plastic use. Here are 78 more frightening facts and figures about plastic water bottle pollution across the globe. Thankfully, many people have become more aware of their plastic usage. And only around half the plastic we recycle is actually reused. This includes polyester, nylon, and acrylic. The scale of plastic pollution in the oceans is truly staggering. "Bans can play a role," says oceanographer Kara Lavendar Law, a co-author with Jambeck of the 2015 Science study. And last year alone, enough disposable plastic straws were found to pop one into your beverage every day for the next 1,250 years. Just 9% of all plastic produced has been recycled, and 79% has ended up in landfills or the ocean (12% of plastic has been burned, damaging our environment further). Harvard University scientists found a way to use shrimp shells to create a fully biodegradable type of plastic. Whether its cutlery, packaging, or bottled water, cut out the single-use plastic. The top five heaviest polluting countries in the world account for around 60% of all ocean plastic pollution. Why does this man create armor for cats and mice? In fact, Americans are responsible for approximately 185 pounds of plastic waste per person per year. But microplastics also include bits of what were once larger items. Scientists are still investigating the impact of microplastics on our ocean and marine life. Many plastics and microplastics in the oceans are the product of irresponsible manufacturing processes. The Problem: Over 1 million marine animals (including mammals, fish, sharks, turtles, and birds) are Your feedback is important to us. Still, I put a lot of thought into making the Then consumers took them for granted that they had to have their straw, even though most dont need it.. Just 5 minutes still has a big impact. She loves goldfish, tetras, and mystery snails, and recently began experimenting with a saltwater aquarium. How many animals die because of ocean pollution? Of all seabirds found dead every year, the majority of them are found to have plastic in their stomach. Medical research advances and health news, The latest engineering, electronics and technology advances, The most comprehensive sci-tech news coverage on the web. Among the top 10 kinds of trash picked up during the 2017 International Coastal Cleanup were food wrappers, beverage bottles, grocery bags, straws, and take out containers, all made of plastic. Surprisingly, Mexico tops the table for per capita consumption a combination of relative affluence and clean water infrastructure drives eight out of ten Mexicans and nine out of ten residents of Mexico city to drink bottled water on a regular basis. The United States consistently makes it into the top 20 list of the worlds worst polluters. 80% of all single-use plastic water bottles we use end up in a landfill, and an insane 80 billion plastic Coca-Cola bottles go to the landfill every year. The planet creates 300 million tons of plastic waste every year. STATISTICS CONCERNING PLASTIC STRAWS IN THE OCEAN According to research conducted by scientists, there are approximately 7.5 million plastic straws that pollute the coastlines of the United States, and between 437 million and 8.3 billion plastic straws that pollute the One study found that approximately 25% of all fish in markets in California contained some type of plastic pollution. Thats why water filters and reusable bottles are essential tools for a sustainable world. What makes up the most plastic in the ocean? Strawless Ocean also stated, By Thats why cities, states and countries across the world are banning plastic bags and single-use plastic items such as cutlery and cups. National Skip the Straw Day is Feb. 22, 2019. What percentage of plastic straws end up in the ocean? Worse, consumer behavior sometimes changes. This does not include bottle caps or plastic labels. What Do Brine Shrimps Eat? Citizen activists want to shrink that number. Thats 8% of the worlds oil production, used to make plastic. Here are the essential plastic water bottle statistics at a glance: Shocking, isnt it? Its a gateway, a way to start, Grenier says. WebDo straws kill animals? Looking for more of our top-rated articles? Here, on a remote island in the Caribbean Sea, discarded bottles, wrappers, and straws wash ashore and cover the beach. Plastic Straws in the Ocean, the (Potential) Solutions! Retrieved from, Eight Million Tons of Plastic Dumped in Ocean Every Year. India banned single-use plastic on ships in 2019. Some of the chemicals present in plastics are known carcinogens and can lead to cancers in humans and animals. Over 7 million of those The USs usage of plastic bags stands in stark contrast to most other countries, like Denmark, where the average plastic bag usage per person averages out to a single plastic bag per quarter, or four bags per year. Many plastic products are single-use items that are designed to be thrown out, like water bottles or take out containers. "For every pound of tuna we're taking out of the ocean, we're putting two pounds of plastic in the ocean," says ocean scientist Sherry Lippiatt, California regional coordinator for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's marine debris program. Ives said that because the average human doesnt interact with the oceans much, the problem isnt widely known. McDonald's will test paper straws in some U.K. locations next month and keep all straws behind the counter, so customers have to ask for them. Around 380 million metric tons of plastic are being produced yearly. Here are 100+ more frightening facts and figures about plastic bottle pollution across the globe. In total there are between 50 and 75 trillion pieces of microplastic in the ocean! The answer to this question is over 175 million plastic straws are used every single day. The issue of straws and marine animals got more heated after a 2015 viral video showing rescuers removing a straw from a sea turtle's nose in graphic and bloody detail. How many plastic straws are used each year in the world? Were used to getting our water in plastic bottles, but sadly were also getting used to having plastic bottles in our water! All this plastic raises a few questions. It takes 75% less energy to make a bottle from recycled plastic. Unlike some other kinds of waste, plastic doesnt decompose. Replacement products can cause more environmental harm than plastic products there were banned, he says. [13] In 2022, plastic production is on the rise, and as our alarming statistics show, the vast majority of this plastic is never recycled. WebDo straws kill animals? It is reported that there is over 8.5 millions tonnes of plastic in our oceans, a number that is growing exponentially. The amount of plastic that enters the oceans annually is equivalent in weight to more than 26,000 Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets. ", Journal information: The problem is so large, though, that scientists say that's not nearly enough. Get tips, trends and resources to help you live, love, work and play with greater purpose too. Whats that smell? Artist Jeff de Boer has designed and crafted tiny museum-quality armor for decades. Of the In the US, the average plastic bag usage is approximately 365 per person, or one plastic bag per person for every day of the year. Stay on top of cat food recalls here >, Have a dog? Heres what you need to know about plastic water bottle pollution. Theres a giant plastic island the size of Texas floating in the Pacific Ocean. In the last decade, the world has produced more plastic products than it had in the previous century. These 5 cities vanished without a traceuntil recently, How the rugged poinsettia became our favorite holiday flower, This biblical villains tomb was lost for centuries. So bad that in January, California became the first U.S. state making it illegal for restaurants to automatically provide them, an effort to reduce the 500 million used daily nationwide. But it doesnt stop there. Water you waiting for? I not only learned the importance of keeping my own water fresh and pure (yes, sometimes the hard way) but I also saw how important water is as a resource worldwide. The deepest part of the Mariana Trench is 11.022 km, which means that plastics have been found in the deepest part of the ocean, which is also the most unexplored place on the planet. "I have faith in humans. But that huge number suddenly seems small when you look at all the plastic trash bobbing around oceans. Here in the UK, we reportedly use 8.5 billion straws per year, which is around 130 per person per year. If you have the opportunity to make this choice and not to use a plastic straw, this can help keep this item off our beaches and raise awareness on plastic in the ocean, says Jenna Jambeck, the University of Georgia engineering professor whose ground-breaking 2015 study was the first measurement of how much plastic debris enters the ocean every year. In fact, 60% of the materials in clothing items are some form of plastic or microplastic. Studies have found that 34% of deceased Leatherback sea turtles had plastic in their stomach. We also throw away 2 billion plastic razors every year. Because bacteria cant decompose plastic in the usual way, it breaks down under sunlight and exposure to the elements. According to the California Coastal Commission, there have been a total of 835,425 straws and stirrers picked up in the 30 years since 1988, which is only about 4% of the debris collected. Bag manufacturers have persuaded lawmakers in Florida, Missouri, Idaho, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Indiana to pass legislation outlawing the bag bans. Approximately 70% of the oxygen in the world is produced by marine sources, which are at risk due to excessive pollution blocking access to sunlight. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no Retrieved from, Ocean Plastic: What You Need to Know. It takes approximately 8% of the global oil production to keep up with the worlds annual plastic production. Rubbish overflows the bins on Brick Lane Market in London's East End. Retrieved from, Plastic Pollution Facts And Figures. China produces the most plastic waste generating 59 million tons of plastic waste every year. And in Rhode Island, the release of celebratory balloons is being targeted by activists, after almost 2,200 balloons were picked up on the shores of Aquidneck Island in the last four years. We need something achievable for everyday humans. And if you can make this one choice, maybe you can do even more.. Its important to remember that the plastics we use never really go away. Less than 10% of the plastic products produced have ever been recycled. Microplastics are the multi-colored pieces of plastic that can be found in a handful of sand on the beach or in the ocean. Reduce, reuse, recycle. February 23, 2018 marks National Skip the Straw Day, a day to remember the impact of single-use plastics and efforts to stem the tide of litter and waste. Last fall, California became the first state in the nation to ban plastic bags, joining a host of nations that already do so, including Kenya, China, Bangladesh, Rwanda, and Macedonia. However, we have a long way to go when it comes to the care of our oceans. There are approximately 50-75 trillion pieces of plastic and microplastics currently in the ocean. The average American uses 156 bottles a year. Landmark U.S. legislation bans cub petting, tiger selfies, and breeding big cats as pets. Once I learned about single-use plastic pollution, I bought my first set of reusable straws. With so many brands and lengths to choose from and a variety of materials to consider glass, silicone, metal, and even plastic the sea of options was overwhelming for such a simple purchase. But it doesnt stop there. Get ready for some big numbers.,,, You might be interested in: Featured image credit: Romolo Tavani, Shutterstock, Is Your Goldfish Turning White? Next on the list are plastic grocery bags, plastic straws, and stirrers, in addition to food wrapper, plastic bottles, plastic bottle caps, If you have any comments or questions, please fell free to comment below and I will be happy to answer them all. The Problem: Over 1 million marine animals (including mammals, fish, sharks, turtles, and birds) are killed each year due to plastic debris in the ocean. ***WARNING: Graphic Content & Inappropriate/ Strong Language!***. Leave a Comment The other 99% stays below the surface. Straws are part of the 5.25 trillion pieces of marine trash that have been dumped in the ocean over the years. How Much Plastic Is In the Ocean in 2022? Whilst global plastic production appears to have peaked in 2019 with 368 million tons, the effects of COVID and global shutdowns may also have suppressed the numbers. Remember that our land and sea are connected. Keith Christman, managing director for plastic markets for the American Chemistry Council, says the industry also will oppose any efforts to outlaw plastic straws. Can you count them all? What Are the Dangers of Plastic Straws & Hot Drinks?Burning Your Mouth and Tongue. When using a straw, liquids tend to come out faster. Chemicals in Plastic. Most plastic contains polypropylene and BPA, otherwise known as Bisphenol A, which can leak chemicals into the liquid.Plastic Disadvantages. Reusing a plastic straw isn't recommended. Plastic Straw Alternatives. Editorial Board, 20 July 2018, Protecting the Oceans, One Straw at a Time., Seattle has already banned single use plastic straws, and many other cities and states are considering legislation against plastic straws. In fact, there are hundreds of species that are at risk of extinction because of plastic pollution in the ocean. Approximately 35 billion of those water bottles are thrown in the trash instead of being recycled. How Do Coral Reefs Eat? It might just be the next big thing in travel. Retrieved from, Davos 2020: People still want plastic bottles, says Coca-Cola. Organizers of Earth Day, which is Sunday, have proclaimed ending plastics pollution this year's theme. Plastic waste is a global issue! A statistic from 2018 indicates that in that year, the United States alone used 500 million plastic straws each and every single day. This article originally appeared in the March 2019 issue of Marin Magazine. They are lightweight, non-recyclable, and are easily blown away by the wind and into our oceans. ", The key to solving marine litter, Russell says, is "in investing in systems to capture land-based waste and investing in infrastructure to convert used plastics into valuable products.". or. Theres no doubt we use a lot of plastic and it causes unmeasurable harm to our planet and its ecosystems. The organization cited a World Economic Forum report that said, at the current rate of accumulation, the amount of plastic in the oceans will outweigh all the fish That means plastic can stick around indefinitely, wreaking havoc on marine ecosystems. In fact, 44% of all known seabird species have been found with plastic in or on their bodies. as long as we all work together! That's just in and near oceans. Steel structures and swinging bridges built high above the rain forest floor give tourists a non-intrusive way to spot the countrys tapirs, tigers, and notoriously shy primates. Almost 100 % of the plastic breaks down and enters the food chain, where fish and ocean! Currently, it breaks down and enters the oceans and landfills perspective, the majority them! Swirling mass of cold air that hovers above the North Pole is sometimes responsible approximately! Are one of the plastic we recycle is actually reused oceans is believed come. 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